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Cottage Carolin Göhl


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Ms. Carolin Göhl

Country House Carolin Göhl
Ms. Carolin Göhl
Zillenbachstr. 27
87541 Bad Hindelang

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Fax: +49 (0) 8324 2011

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Kurort Bad Hindelang: 2 picture from Tourismus Bad Hindelang, Wolfgang B. Kleiner

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He is a group of dedicated citizens in the areas of rental, retail and craft of the district Bad Hindelang. More information here ...

logo bad hindelang

Bad Hindelang Plus - Holiday at no extra costs - Find out mor here.

ecarf siegel


The hosts with a heart are an association privately and family-run landlord in the Allgäu. Within these initiatives are the BEST award with its own quality seal.

'Natürlich hindelang' - the particular host in the Allgäu. A lot of joy, but also professionalism in dealing with the guest - that's a given, as is the preservation of tradition and nature for us in Bad Hindelang in the Allgäu. You can expect a high standard of quality.


Landhaus Carolin Göhl
Zillenbachstraße 27
87541 Bad Hindelang

Fon(0 83 24) 29 37
Fax (0 83 24) 20 11

Mobil 0171 - 9937 540

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